Demax 601: Foliar For Cashew Tree – Vietgro

Demax 601: Foliar For Cashew Tree

Demax 1001: Specialized Bio-Foliar For Coffee & Pepper Tree
May 10, 2016
Bomix: Specialized Organic Fertilizer For Coffee & Pepper Tree
May 10, 2016

N: 5%, P2O5: 3%, K2O: 2%

IAA + IBA, Axit amin.

Liquid seaweed fertilizer

Ca: 200 ppm, B2O3: 1500 ppm.

Neutrals and Micro-nutrients:

Mg: 80 ppm, S: 40 ppm,

Cu: 90 ppm, Fe: 80 ppm,

Zn: 70 ppm, Mn: 60 ppm,

B: 50 ppm, Mo: 30 ppm.

Demax 601: Foliar For Cashew Tree

  • Support budding vigorously, bloom more flowers and increase fruit setting.
  • Support flowering stimultaneously in cashew tree; improve pollination ability.
  • Decrease the level of flower drying – fruit wilt – Anthracnose; increase grain coloration: Bright and grain firmness.
  • Increase tolerance to insect diseases, Downy Mildew and severe weather conditions.

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